Thank-you for your continued membership of SETAC and welcome to those of you who have just joined the Society. We are writing to update you on upcoming SETAC-UK activities.
Pollution in a Changing Environment: the SETAC-UK 2001 Annual Meeting will be hosted by the University of East Anglia, 29-31 August 2001. The meeting will address issues surrounding multiple stressors, tolerance, capacity and recovery, within the context of change over different temporal and spatial scales. It will also consider implications for environmental managers and regulators. The first announcement and call for papers is enclosed with this newsletter, and we encourage you to put this on your notice-boards and submit a paper or poster for what will be a very interesting meeting. In addition to the main meeting, there will be a student forum and competition, and a one-day workshop on Risk Assessment of Contaminated Land. |
A Reminder: We would like to hear from any SETAC member interested in hosting or organising a meeting or workshop in the UK and sahring important essay https://manyessays.com/ information. SETAC-UK can help by providing targeted publicity, and a network of potential speakers, sponsors and delegates. Collaborative meetings are especially welcome.

Fee Collection and Notice of Annual General Meeting:
The SETAC-UK AGM for 2002 is now in preparation. The general theme of the meeting will be the effects of the environment on human health. The meeting will be held at Plymouth University between 16th and 18th September 2002. More details to follow, any comments or suggests for the scientific programme of meeting are most welcome. Please contact Richard Handy at Plymouth University (). |
Membership fee collection: SETAC-UK Council no longer collects membership fees direct from members. You should now renew your membership via the SETAC Europe Offices and if you have not yet renewed for 2001 you should do this as soon as possible (contact SETAC-Europe at [email protected]). If you usually pay by direct debit to SETAC-UK please cancel this as soon as possible. If your direct debit has already been enacted for 2001 please contact Graeme Paton (SETAC-UK Treasurer at ) for a refund. |
From: SETAC-UK Council |