Pollution in a Changing Environment:
Implications for Environmental Management
29-30 August, 2001, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Scientific Support for Contaminated Land Assessment
31 August 2001, University of East Anglia, UK.
Final Announcement
The environment is constantly changing. Temperature, habitat, water and air flow, salinity and radiation are just a few of the environmental factors that are in constant flux at different spatial and temporal scales. These changes can be natural or anthropogenic, reversible or irreversible, but all potentially influence the impacts of pollutants. This 2-day meeting will examine pollution in the context of environmental change and implications for researchers, environmental managers and regulators. Students also try to write their thesis about important issues.
Plenary Speakers and Titles
Dr. Simon Torok, The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, UEA.
Human-induced climate change: observations, predictions and impacts.
Prof. Kevin Jones, Lancaster University.
The fate of persistent organic pollutants in a changing environment.
Prof. Tim Jickells, University of East Anglia.
Nutrient cycling in a changing environment.
Prof. Stephen Hawkins, Director of the Marine Biological Association of the UK.
Coastal ecology in a changing environment.
Organising Committee: B J Reid (Chair) (University of East Anglia); R S Boumphrey (EA); M H Depledge (University of Plymouth); A Grant (University of East Anglia); K T Semple (Lancaster University); T J Kedwards (Syngenta Jealott's Hill Research Station).
Session and Keynote Speakers
Tolerance, capacity and recovery
Organisms and ecosystems may be able to function, even when subject to pollution and other forms of stress. This session will consider issues related to tolerance, capacity and recovery, how allowance could be made for these in environmental management and how they might best be modelled.
- Dr Bill Langston, Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
- Dr Dave Santillo and Dr Paul Johnson, Greenpeace.
Integrated impact of multiple stressors
Many investigations examine the effects of natural or anthropogenic stresses singly. However, organisms living in changing environments experience stressors in diverse combinations. This session will review current knowledge of multiple stressor effects and the mechanisms through which they arise.
- Prof. Bill Walley, The University of Staffordshire.
- Dr Mike Waldock, CEFAS.
Towards scientifically appropriate environmental regulation
We still have an incomplete understanding of the links from contaminant concentrations in the environment to adverse effects on ecological systems or humans. In consequence, much environmental regulation is based on "rules of thumb". The session will discuss ways of providing a more scientifically rigorous basis for pollution control and the management of pre-existing contamination. The appropriateness of model to facilitate these ends will be considered.
- Dr Alastair Ferguson, The Environment Agency.
- Dr David Taylor, AstraZeneca Brixham Environmental Laboratories.
Open discussions will conclude each day.
- Day 1 Multidisciplinary environmental research: who will fund, who will publish?
- Day 2 The marriage of science and management: a counseling session.
SETAC-Europe (UK Branch) Student Forum/Sustaining Members Award
The Annual SETAC-Europe (UK Branch) Student Forum will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 30th August. This will provide an opportunity for students to present the results of their work and to find out more about careers in environmental toxicology and chemistry. The annual competition for best student presentation will take place during the meeting. Prizes: First Prize travel grant (£250) to attend SETAC event of recipients choice plus one years free subscription to SETAC; Second and Third Prizes one years free subscription to SETAC.
Workshop Scientific Support for Contaminated land assessment
An additional optional one-day workshop will be held on Friday 31st August on scientific support for contaminated land assessment. Details of workshop and registration documents are enclosed separately with this announcement. If you wish to register for both the meeting and the workshop please complete BOTH registration documents.
Social Programme
- Tuesday evening evening drinks reception (cost included in registration) followed by a tour of Norwich pubs. This will give you an opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones.
- Wednesday evening conference dinner and dance (ceilidh) in the Sainsbury Center for Visual Arts (cost included).
- Thursday evening meal afloat on the Floating Restaurant in Norwich city center (cost NOT included).
Registration will take place between 4 & 6 pm on Tuesday 28th August, and from 8:30 am on Wednesday 29th in Constable Terrace Common Room. The conference will start at 9:30 am on Wednesday 29th August. A full programme will be sent to delegates in the first week of August and may be found from that time at
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Oral presentations relating to any of the session titles are invited.
- Poster presentations can cover any aspect of environmental toxicology and chemistry.
- Abstracts not exceeding 300 words, should be submitted before July 20th
Example Abstract
Maximum length 300 words
ARIAL font throughout
10 Point throughout
Text justified left and right
Margins 2.5cm top, bottom and both sides
Indicate poster or platform preference at foot of abstract
Brian J. Reid1, Kirk T. Semple2 and Joanna D. Stokes2
1University of East Anglia, UK.
2Lancaster University, UK.
An extraction method using aqueous solutions of cyclodextrin has been developed to determine soil-associated organic contaminant bioavailability to microbes. This novel extraction technique has been developed at laboratory scale. In recent work, the extractability (using aqueous solutions of cyclodextrin) of soil-associated contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)) in soil taken from a disused coke plant were compared with their degradability when exposed to a culture of a known PAH degrading microorganism. Results
All Caps
in bold
Authors in bold
Presenting author underlined
Institution only
Remaining text normal font
Indicate which session you would like your abstract to be considered for
Poster / Platform*
*delete as applicable
Session 1, 2, 3*
*delete as applicable
Submittal by e-mail (strongly preferred):
- Send your abstract as an attached Word file. Please name your file with the presenting authors last name. Please also paste your abstract into your e-mail message as plain text.
- Submit only ONE abstract in one e-mail message.
- e-mails should be sent to [email protected]
Submittal by mail:
- Submit your abstract on plain white paper with 2.5cm margin top and sides. Using layout guidelines indicated above. Dot matrix not accepted.
- Mail one unfolded copy of the abstract to along with a copy of it on a 31/4" floppy disk (with your registration form) to Dr Brian Reid (address below).
Click here for a printable application form